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The Importance Of Search Engine Optimization Edmonton

By April Briggs

When doing research online, the results you get are important to your work. Search engine optimization Edmonton, Alberta, affects the unpaid results in these searches. The earlier results in a search - usually the ones on the first page - are considered the higher-ranked ones and will appear more often in displayed result lists. The more a website appears, the more people are likely to click on it.

This process considers how the engines work and what people look for. It targets all kinds of searches - including general text searches, image searches, news searches, etc. It also considers what terms and keywords are being used, and which "engines" or programs are being used most.

SEO is not new and goes back to the mid 90's in the last century. Credit goes to Bruce Clay for coining the word in 1997. It sounds long ago! A lot has been learned since then. More search engines have entered the picture and Internet users have gotten wiser. Ranking has gotten to be a major goal. Keyword density rolls off every website designer's tongue. You have to know how often to use them, not too much or not too little. You can skew traffic albeit in a legitimate way. It may be difficult, however, to combat those who abuse the process inordinately.

The engines responded by tweaking their optimization processes in order to depend on more than keyword density. They chose factors that were more difficult for webmasters to abuse. This allowed them to weed out the bad results. When Google was founded in 1998, they refined their process in order to prevent any result manipulation from webmasters. Google's easy-to-navigate design and dependability attracted users, creating a large user base. The popular "engines" - Google, Yahoo!, and Bing - have not made the related algorithms that they use public.

The innovation in the digital realm is astounding, keeping everyone on their toes. Businesses enjoy the benefit of search engine's ability to track user history so they can direct the right customer to the right place. Bruce Clay was leery of such prying, but it has come to be common place. While there might be some negative aspects to rankings, overall they are helpful and time-saving.

SEO plays a big role in the process, whether it be legitimate or not. It isn't easy to be ranked at the top. It goes without saying that it depends on the quality of the site content and following the search engine rules to avoid penalties. A webmaster worth his or her salt must constantly monitor the process and make the requisite changes. In other words, you don't create a site and let it drop. Trends change that require sustained vigilance.

There are two types of optimization - black hat and white hat. Black hate optimization is used by websites that are looking for high frequency traffic in a short amount of time, generally abusing algorithms. Websites practicing white hat, meanwhile, focus on providing good content and follow search engine rules, rather than ranking manipulations.

The optimization process is important to improving an "engine". It helps to weed out the bad results, giving the user only the results that are relevant to the queries. This improves the user's search experience and allows for easier researching.

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