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Staying Active With An All Terrain Walker

By Raymond Cole

Taking our elderly parents or grandparents on family trips can be a huge responsibility. Keeping them safe while expanding their horizons and allowing them to enjoy time with their people is the goal all families seek to accomplish. This ideal is more easily achieved with an all terrain walker.

Any physical therapist will tell you that walking is the most important activity to engage in when attempting to regain physical fitness after an injury. When a patient has lost their prior level of fitness, it can be difficult to get them back out. In the case of an elderly patient, family members are sometimes afraid to take the responsibility of getting them outside.

For older patients, healing can take longer and be more difficult to achieve. If they injured themselves while on a walk, getting them out walking again can be nearly impossible. However, without that basic activity, they risk experiencing a continued decline in their overall health and well being.

Even without the presence of an injury, older people can inhibit their own progress when they become depressed and unwilling to pursue activities they enjoy. It is vital for anyone experiencing a degenerative condition to become and remain active for as long as possible. Once a stable and workable habit of activity has been established, it is easier for them to maintain this activity independently.

Physical therapy will always be a key element for healing after injury, or as a treatment for debilitating conditions. Having the right equipment to pursue outdoor activities makes it more safe for one to pursue their own adventure. Most people do not live in totally paved areas, so the old style walkers are inadequate to pursue any sort of activity safely.

When the lower back is supported, taking pressure off knees and ankles, it is easier for an injured or elderly individual to be mobile. Once improvement is noted, however, the patient may want to ditch the support for short trips. It is vital to the healing process that they be able to walk at a normal stride as soon as possible, so their prior level of activity can be resumed.

If a person resigns themselves to a motorized chair, they may miss the opportunity to regain the abilities they once took for granted. Motorized chairs are a good alternative for those who will never regain their ability to walk. However, for anyone who is on the cusp of total disability due to age or obesity, being drawn to the motorized chair can actually harm them in the long run.

Most patients wish to return to their independent lives, and these walkers can help them accomplish that goal. They fold easily into a back seat or the trunk of an automobile, allowing independent travel for patients of all ages. They may even be able to continue working while they work to return their bodies to the level of health and physical endurance that they once knew.

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