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Home Made Natural Oral Care

By Michael Lewis

It is the desire of everyone to possess an odorless mouth that is full of white teeth. You are comfortable among people and confident whenever engaging in conversations. Healthy teeth also save you from the agony of painful night toothaches. While you have the option of commercial mouth care products, natural oral care remedies have been recommended because they are devoid of side effects yet are as effective as their manufactured counterparts. Here are useful tips that do not involve manufactured chemical products.

Clean your teeth regularly. The frequency recommended is at least twice a day but where possible, after every meal. The level of cleaning depends on the circumstances. It does not mean brushing your teeth using toothpaste. The simple act of flossing water in your mouth is an incredible towards keeping your teeth or mouth clean.

Increase the intake of alkaline foods in your diet. Tooth decay is mainly caused by food remnants that turn acidic after a while in your mouth. The speed of decay is escalated by their acidic nature. Alkaline foods help to regulate the pH in your mouth by neutralizing it. Some of the best foods in this regard include beans, greens and a wide range of fruits. This does not mean that you stop cleaning the mouth after meals.

Use warm sea salt water. This is part of holistic dental hygiene. It should be done at least once a day and especially before going to sleep. It helps to clear unpleasant bacteria from your mouth and other unwelcome visitors. The water may be added a few clove or olive oil with the aim of freshening your breath. These natural ingredients are used in place of the commercial mouth wash.

You need to rest enough especially sleeping for recommended hours. This is recommended for overall good health. It should be accompanied by daily exercises. This keeps the body free of infections and inflammations that are likely to attack the body especially due to fatigue. When the body is worn out, it succumbs easily to infections.

Regular cleaning of the tongue will help. Most people brush their teeth and ignore the tongue. The tongue is left with food residues that replace what is brushed off leading to decay. Buy special brushes designed for the tongue or use the ordinary one gently. You should also consider fibrous foods like sugarcane and a lot of water to keep the tongue clean.

Consult a holistic dental specialist near you as often as possible. This is a trained professional who can monitor the health of your mouth and take corrective measures. According to experts, you should visit a dentist at least twice a year. For people with fillings, implants and dental hardware, it gives the specialist a chance to monitor their performance and take necessary action.

Oral care also demands that you avoid anything dangerous to your teeth and mouth in general. You may consider recommended herbal toothpastes in an attempt to avoid the fluoride based ones. Ancient solutions of baking soda and salt are still effective despite the rise of heavily advertised toothpastes. Take care of your mouth from an early age to keep away permanent damages like loss of teeth.

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