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Best Pinterest Boards For Women

By Tammie Caldwell

When people look back on the 21st century, one of the things they will associate with it and the new millennium is social networking. Anybody who is not au fait with Facebook Pinterest and Twitter will be deemed functionally illiterate. Read here where and how to find the best Pinterest boards for women. The face of socializing has been changed forever.

The development of Pinterest began in 2009 as a site where people could save images and pin them to different boards. As of 2012, the most popular categories were food, arts and crafts, fashion and style, and home. Users may share their Pinterest activities with other social networking platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Things like home, art, fashion and recipes are very important to the female gender, they have other important interests, too. Women work and they like to compare notes with people who are in the same profession as themselves. Therefore, ladies are just as likely to look at pins about welding or commercial fishing as they are about knitting and baking. There are female fire fighters, lifeguards, forklift operators. And, come to think of it, men are interested in recipes and fashion, too.

Social networking provides plenty of opportunities for users to mix and mingle with other professionals. Occupational therapy and its cousin, occupational science, are emerging disciplines. These, and other academic genres, are well-suited to communicating ideas via pins. Many a solid professional, and eventually personal, relationship are formed in this way.

Men and ladies alike are always looking for dating advice. On Pinterest, wise pins reveal the 32 signs that you've got a keeper, seven must-do's while you are dating and 52 text message love bombs.

A topic that is tangentially related to dating is LGBT - lesbian/gay/bi/transgender. If you are looking for a romantic way to pop the question to your partner and get ideas for wedding invitations, this is the place to look. Not sure if you're bi? There's a quiz for that! Learn the science behind the lifestyle choice. This is also the place to find things not to say to a bisexual man or woman and what jokes people are laughing at.

Fitness is another hugely popular topic. Pinterest is chock full of ideas for trimming thunder thighs, ways to burn a single pound or three-minute workouts for the arms. This forum allows you to search for multiple topics, so typing "fitness" and "LGBT" into the search box gives you ads about LGBT running shoes, and American foods that are banned in other countries.

To find out what people are reading and watching on the box or at the movies, you can find what books to read before they are coming out on film or books with strange plot twists. One of the top three social networking platforms, Pinterest is still somewhat in the shadows behind Twitter and Facebook. Don't overlook it, it's a great waya to curate your interests.

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