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Finding The Best Marvel Action Figures

By Enid Hinton

Any young man around knows all about the lovely Susan Storm Richards. She is also one of the marvel action figures which can be found over the internet. People are also able to locate her husband, brother and best friend if they look hard enough.

Stan Lee knew he had a winner when he created "The Invisible Woman." Sue Storm is one of the members of the super team called "The Fantastic Four, " and the Mego toy company first introduced her likeness in a doll back in the 70's. This figure was eight inches tall and she came with removable cloth clothing. Many people did not purchase this statue when it was first created.

Mego thought that every kid in America would desire this doll but they were wrong. Even though she did not sell well at the time Susan Storm has now become a rare collectors item that many people want to possess. A certain Barbie doll toy company also did a statue of Susan Storm but it was not a good likeness of her at all.

Everyone around knows that Mr. Richards is her fantastic husband who can stretch himself into all different shapes. Mego went ahead to produce a Reed statue and he is also a great item that fans really admire. People get into bidding wars over the internet whenever a Susan or Reed doll goes up for sale. They are truly collectors items.

Unfortunately Mego really messed things up when they produced the super women who appeared within the DC comics. "Batgirl, " "Wonder Woman, " "Catwoman, " "Supergirl" and "Isis" all have the same baby doll look on their faces. Susan Storm is the only female figure that truly looks like an adult woman.

"Conan" came out around the same time as the "Fantastic Four" statues. Hollywood went on to produce several movies about this character but the latest one was a huge flop. When "Conan" was first introduced he had long hair and later on Mego decided to give him shorter locks. "Classic TV Toys" has decided to remake this doll for the people who cannot afford the original item that was produced years ago.

In the end Mego made sure that the fans were truly satisfied with their items and they even wanted to make "Isis" with a realistic face. Unfortunately this never happened. Aside from all of this drama fans are still happy with the way that "Thor" turned out. He stands tall with his shining helmet upon his golden hair. "The Avengers" movie has made the price of the Mego "Thor" go higher than usual.

Fortunately Mego also went ahead to produce "The Thing" and "The Human Torch" from the "Fantastic Four" series. The group would not be complete without these two unique characters. Many fans wish that they would have made the Torch's alter ego who is known as Johnny Storm. Some of the companies around today are making this particular item in order to please fans.

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